My heart goes out to all those that lost so much this past weekend. While many in Houston, Galveston and other Southern Texas cities struggle to put their homes back together after the devastating winds of Ike ripped through last Saturday, other find themselves homeless, helpless and having to start over. I send up my prayers for them, and wish there was more I could do.
We were very fortunate to have been spared the heavy rains and high winds that had been predicted for this area. We got rain and a little wind, but nothing like had been predicted.
We were able to get through to all our family both here in the Dallas area and those living in East Texas where high winds ripped up trees, downed power lines and damage roofs and out buildings. Thankfully everyone was ok and no one sustained too much damage.
While there is no getting around the devastation done this weekend, it did blow in cooler weather. We have had temps in the 80 most days, a far cry from the near 100 degree temps we were seeing.
Which brings me to one of my all time favorite breakfast, which I was able to enjoy yesterday for the first time since April. It's been much to hot to enjoy this tasty breakfast of toasted Cinnamon Pecan Flax bread, spread with cream cheese and big cup of Chai tea with cream and a tbsp. of coconut oil. Very very filling, just over 5 grams of fiber in a slice of bread. The cream and coconut oil in the tea are very satiating. This breakfast has always kept me going for hours, and I was very happy to get to enjoy it again.
So tell me, what will you be enjoying now that cooler weather is just around the corner?
6 days ago
OK, maybe I'm tech deprived but on the page for the Cinnamon Pecan Flax Bread it shows all the variations but I don't see the base recipe. It looked like a link to Laura Dolson but it didn't work for me. Can you help this Former Donut Junkie out?
Vikki said: So tell me, what will you be enjoying now that cooler weather is just around the corner?
For me it's soups! I end up working outside lots of days and I really look forward to coming home to my wood burning stove and a hot bowl of low-carb soup.
I don't have a lot of LC soup recipes yet but enough to get started on. Chili is one of my all-time favorites but all I have is my own prized high-carb chili recipe. I haven't taken the time yet to pare it down to LC.
Ron, aka The Former Donut Junkie
Hey Ron, thanks for stopping by.
First off thanks for letting me know the link didn't work, I fixed the link and it should be working.
Second, just for you I will go back in tonight and post the cinnamon pecan bread in full and then change the link here. I should have done that before anyway.
I have a few soups posted on my other site and I just posted a low carb chicken chili recipe today. man it was really good. I've never cared for chicken chili but this turned out really well. Well at least to me. Everyone's tastes are different.
Thanks again for letting me know about the link
Hi Vikki ... thank you very much for the sweet birthday wishes and visiting my blog. Your blog is wonderful and I will definately be back to read your archives.
Missy *Ü*
Did somebody say Chicken Chili? I don't know which I like the best, beef or chicken chili! Thanks for the great recipes. You're an asset to the LC community.
One more question and I promise to leave you alone today. Can you elaborate on thickeners for chili and other soups/sauces. How do they work compared to each other: ThickenThin, gaur gum, xanthan gum, glucomannan powder, etc?
I have used xanthan gum to thicken protein shakes and it works well, but never tried it in cooked recipes.
Hi Vicki, So glad all's well. We were holding our breath for my sister and her family in Houston, too, but all's well though the power's still off at one house. Good luck with ALL your ventures!
Hey Missy,
Your quite welcome! Everyone needs to enjoy their birthday, well until your my age and you would rather forget it. :o)
I enjoyed peeking around your blog too and I will definitely be back.
Thank you Alanna, I'm so glad your sister was ok. Some areas are still having phone lines down so I'm glad you were able to get in touch and find out. Not knowing bites!
Hey Ron, I never mind questions. Makes me feel like maybe I'm doing a little good by indulging myself by writing writing these blogs. ;o)
I've never used the Xanthan gum but as far as the other go. I keep my gaur gum in old spice bottle with a shaker top. I just sprinkle it in and stir. It can clump up if your not careful but using the shaker top I've never had to much trouble with it. It's what I have used to thicken things since the very beginning and I'm still using the same jar.
The thickenthin, I just got about a month ago. I wanted to make one of Cleo's recipes that called for it. It's a bit pricey but it is the easiest thickener I have every used. Easier than flour, cornstarch or any of the low carb versions, and you really don't need much.
But with either the gaur gum or the thickenthin ( which is a blend of gums) add a little at the time and give it a chance to thicken before adding more or you will end up with a big globe.
The glucomannan powder I have mainly used to make pudding and such, but you can thicken gravy and sauces with it too. It does tend to clump so you need to sprinkle it in slowly and it thickens very very quickly. You can go from liquid to jello very easily. I tend to mix it with liquid out side the pan and then stir in like a slurry.
I hope that answers you question. I think it's really a matter of preference. I have the thickenthin handy because my mom will use it, but she won't use the others. She can be arnery that way some time.
Now how sweet are you? That was so nice of you to say. I appreciate it. I'm not sure how much of an asset I am, but sharing makes me feel good, and it helps me too. If anyone else can get something from it, all the better. And I hope you like the Chili or are able to spring board your own version from it.
Thanks again,
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