Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm addicted to iced coffee drinks again!

With mom in the hospital, my aunt (her sister) has been staying up here with us so she can go to the hospital every day to see her. She lives about 67-70 miles away and at nearly 80 she doesn't need to be making trips like that very often.
Anyway, her first morning here she forgot she wasn't making coffee for her and her son and she made a great big pot. Not wanting to waste it she pour the left overs in a pitcher and popped in in the fridge for me. I tried to resist honest I did, I even let it sit in there over night. But I kept hearing it sing to me, and oh what a song it sang.
Well, as you can guess I finally gave in, and darned if I didn't drink nearly the whole pitcher at one go. I'm so bad.
So in case you have more control than I do and would really like to enjoy an after dinner treat you might enjoy my favorite iced coffee.
  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1/4 tsp. dark cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup hood milk or cream
  • 1/2-1 cup crushed ice
  • Sweetener to taste I use a couple pkg. stevia

Pour into plastic jug with tight fitting lid (yep I'm to lazy to pull out the blend and beside the jug is quieter) give it a good shake and pour into a tall glass and enjoy! I like mine with a straw.

Variation on same drink:

  • 1/2 tsp espresso powder
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup hood milk with a splash of cream
  • a good spoon of Walden farms chocolate syrup
  • sweeten to taste
  • 1/2 cup crushed ice ( sometimes I just use ice cubes)

Pour it in a jar and shake.

I swear I'm hooked again. I haven't had any coffee in I don't know how long. When drinking it hot, I'd just a soon have tea, but nothing beats the sweet richness of iced mocha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent topic